Wednesday, May 1, 2019

10 Benefits of Lemon for The Face

10 Benefits of Lemon for The Face

10 Benefits of Lemon for The Face
10 Benefits of Lemon for The Face

Lemon is one variant of the citrus fruit that is quite popular. Lemon not only enjoyed as a refreshing drink any time. Did you know that there are some benefits of lemon for the face?

Many women may not realize that they do not require a face care products that is so expensive to have a charming face. Womenfolk could use a lemon as a natural way to overcome some of the problems on the face.

Read a further explanation below to learn more about lemon. Find information about the nutrient content of lemon fruit and lemon benefits for face below.

Nutrient content of fruit lemon

Lemon is a fruit that has a high vitamin C content. In addition, the content of minerals such as calcium, magnesium, and potassium are also widely conceived by lemon. Contents of nutrients that turned out to be beneficial for the beauty of the body especially the face.

Benefits of lemon to the face to make it more beautiful

The women will usually buy products facial treatments or go to a beauty salon to have a prettier face and endearing. But there are a few benefits of lemon for the face that has similar results but did not make the Holey pockets.

Benefits of lemon for the face. This is because some of the content of the vitamins and minerals present in the lemon. You can apply lemon juice on your face in the form of juice or face masks. Use lemon for the face must be careful if you have sensitive skin.

The following are some of the benefits of lemon to the face to make it look more appealing:

1. Clean the skin of the face

Benefits of lemon to the face can cleanse the skin of your face from dirt-dirt stuck in the face. Grime-dirt such as dust can be raised only by applying the lemon water as a toner on your face.

The trick is to provide a few ounces of water juice of lemon in a clean container. Use the cotton to absorb the lemon water and then usapkanlah to the face while giving a little pressure so shit-dirt can be raised.

2. Keep the humidity of the face

Not only moisturized face cream, lemon fruit turns out to be beneficial for maintaining the humidity of the face. Use the lemon juice water mixed with a few drops of coconut water. Mix lemon water and coconut water can help keep the facial skin hydration and keep moist.

3. Lifts dead skin cells

Did you know that the benefits of lemon to the face can to lift the dead skin cells? Benefits of lemon to the face can indeed to remove dead skin cells that are stuck to the face. This is because lemon contains antiseptic. The antiseptic nature of flaking skin cells that have died.

4. Shrink facial pores

You will also find that the benefits of lemon juice to the face could shrink the pores of the face and shut it down. This is because lemon is both as an astringent skin that can stimulate the skin pores back closed so the skin becomes firmer.

5. Tighten facial skin

No need to use the cream leather fasteners. You can use the lemon to choose a face. Benefits of lemon to the face can tighten the skin. In addition because it could close the pores, the lemon contains vitamin C facial skin looks so high remains firm.

6. To whiten faces

Not a few women who wanted a white facial skin glow. Don't be in a hurry to use facial whitening products very expensive. You can make a lemon as a natural facial bleach.

Benefits of lemon to face this one is surely a highly desired by many women. Vitamin C and citric acid in the lemon can help brighten the skin of the face so that it looks more white.

7. Treat acne

In addition to baking soda, lemon is also useful for treating acne on the face. Acne on the face is indeed very disturbing your confidence. You can use lemon to treat acne. This is because lemon contains ingredients which are antibakter so they can get rid of the bacteria-bacteria causes acne.

8. Overcoming the oily face

Do you have the problem of excess oil on the face? Oily face is indeed often interfere with the appearance. The face becomes telrihat more dull when it has excess oil. You can use the lemon to get over it. Benefits of lemon to the face could be to reduce the production of excess oil.

9. Address the signs of premature aging

Most of the middle-aged and young women certainly have a sense of worry and fear when the signs of premature aging has emerged. The signs of premature aging in the form of wrinkles, age spots, pigmentation and can be overcome by using a lemon.

The high content of vitamin C in lemons are antioxidants. The antioxidants in the lemon will helps facial skin cells against free radicals. In addition, the antioxidants in the lemon will also stimulate increased production of collagen of the skin so that the sign of aging could be overcome soon.

10. Make lips brighter

In the face there is a part that is important enough to the appearance to make it look more beautiful and lovely. That section is the lips. On some women who have dark lips due to innate, smoking, or any other reason can use lemon.

Lemon can help brighten the color of the lips. This is because lemon is able to lift the dead skin cells that are on the lips. Dead skin cells tend to make lips appear dull and dark. So when the dead skin cells lifted then any lips look brighter.
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