Tuesday, April 30, 2019

13 Red Guava Benefits for Health

13 Red Guava Benefits for Health

13 Red Guava Benefits for Health
13 Red Guava Benefits for Health

Guava is a type of tropical fruit that is also a lot of ditemuakan in Indonesia. Guava is composed of some type, the one that most devotees are guava red. Red guava indeed turned out to be not only delicious and the price is cheap, but it also keeps many benefits for health, lho!

Red Guava Content

Guava (Guava guajava) is a type of guava psidium or being the most common. Guava guajava himself from several varieties, the most common found in Indonesia was guava guava and red red. Red guava is believed to benefit more if compared to guava red.

Red guava fruit contains a variety of minerals and vitamins your body needs. Some of the substance is quite high in vitamin A, vitamin C, folic acid, vitamin B6, vitamin B3, potassium, manganese. magnesium and copper. Vitamin C Red guava fruit in even higher than orange. Red guava fruit is also high in fiber.

Benefits Of Guava Red

Viewed from a variety of existing content in guava red. No wonder the Red guava fruit fruit that provides many benefits for health. Here are 13 benefits of guava that should not be missed!

1. Keep your digestive system

Benefits of guava red the first is keeping the digestive system. Guava this one does have a fairly high fiber content. Fiber in one fruit guava is able to meet roughly 12% of daily fiber needs.

Guava guava leaves and also have long been used as a drug to overcome digestive problems. Antimicrobial effects that exist within the guava was able to cope with disorders such as diarrhea. The risk of various infections of the gastrointestinal tract can also decrease with guava consumption regularly.

2. Lower Cholesterol and blood pressure

Red guava benefits the second is can lower cholesterol and teknanan blood. This is the one who makes guava as a fruit that is good for heart health. As we know that high cholesterol and high blood pressure is also a trigger of cardiovascular disease.

Content of fibers in guava, good for the metabolism of fat, so it can lower LDL cholesterol and prevent the occurrence of pementukan of plaque in blood vessels. In addition, a high potassium content in guava can also help to control blood pressure.

3. Addressing the symptoms of diabetes

Benefits of guava is able to cope with the symptoms of diabetes. In addition to lowering cholesterol, foods high in fiber are also useful for lowering blood sugar levels. Dietary fiber or fiber that goes into the body will not be absorbed by the body, so it will not cause a rise in blood sugar.

Fiber is also capable to give the effect of fullness. This type of food is urgently needed by diabetics because diabetics are required to perform a specific diet to prevent the risk of a rise in blood sugar levels.

4. Increase platelets

Dengue fever patients who lack of platelets will be strongly encouraged to eat guava. Guava is indeed regarded as one of the fruits that can increase the platelet. Not only does this benefit you can get from the fruit, but also from the leaves of guava.

Red guava leaves are even believed to have been more effective to increase the levels of platelets. If you want to get the benefits of guava for the restoration of the DBD, then we recommend you eat guava along with the skin and also of water decoction of the leaves.

5. Maintain eye health

Along with increasing age or due to certain habits, generally a person's vision will decrease. Kandungain vitamin A and vitamin C in guava fruit makes this one able to maintain eye health in order for his ability not to decline. Consumption of cashew is routinely thought to decrease interference such as cataracts and macular degeneration as well.

6. Increase the immunity of the body

Benefits of guava next is enhancing the immunity of the body. Guava is a source of vitamin C, and vitamin C is a vitamin that is best to maintain the immunity of the body. If developing a lightweight, without having to use medication, consumption of vitamin C are usually sufficient to cure and prevent further infection.

The consumption of vitamin C per day is important because vitamin C cannot be stored and accumulate in the body. One red guava fruit per day can already meet your daily vitamin C needs.

7. Maintaining healthy teeth and mouth

Maintaining healthy teeth and mouth is the benefits of guava leaves. Oral and dental problems most common is due to a bacterial infection. Antimicrobial effects of duan guava can address a variety of oral problems such as swollen gums, dental pain, and aphthous ulcers.

8. Good for skin health

Benefits of guava next is maintaining healthy skin. Antioxidant content in guava can prevent premature aging. Antimikroroba of extract of guava can overcome skin problems such as acne. Don't forget also vitamin C to brighten the skin.

In addition to the fruit, guava leaves also have benefits for the skin. The use of guava leaf topically can help the healing of wounds in the skin to make it more quickly.

9. Prevent stress

Guava has the content of various minerals needed by the body, one of which is magnesium. A deficiency can cause suspected magenesium stress and depression due to the magnesium has a role in brain function in regulating mood. Megnesium can also help the relaxation of nerves and muscles so as to make someone more quiet.

10. Relieve menstrual pain

Guava plants also has benefits to relieve menstrual pain. A study showed that guava leaf extract potent to serve as one of the ingredients of the medicine menstrual pain. Other studies have also shown that the extract of guava duan did have the effect of spasmolitik or relaxes muscle tension.

11. The good is consumed by pregnant women

Pregnant women need food that is high in folic acid to help fetal development. The intake of folic acid which is pretty much needed in the development of the brain and sum-sum of the spine on the fetus. Guava can be one of the good fruit for consumption by pregnant women because the guava also contain folic acid

12. Improve the brain

Cognitive Brain traffic generally will continue to decline as we get someone, especially if we can't keep the asuran nutrients to the brain. Guava contain a number of B complex vitamins, including vitamin B6 and vitamin B3. Both of these vitamins is an important vitamin for maintaining cognitive abilities of the brain.

13. Sources of antioxidants

Benefits of guava that last course as a source of antioxidants which can ward off free radicals. The presence of free radicals in the body will trigger a variety of cell damage and can trigger the emergence of a variety of diseases, including cancer and tumors. Thus, the consumption of foods rich in antioxidants is essential to keep the cell as a whole.

How To Enjoy The Fruit Of The Guava Red

Red guava can be enjoyed in many ways. First of all is eaten directly. The second way is by way of Juiced. But if you want to get the benefits of guava juice, then we recommend the consumption of juice without sugar. You can make additional sweeteners as honey.

Whereas in order to get the benefits of guava leaf, you can boil the water meminun and the stew. Guava leaf extract also already widely available in capsule form to make it easier to consume. If you are undergoing treatment, be sure to discuss with your doctor about the safety as well as guava extract consumption during treatment.
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