How To Get Rid Of Acne In Teenagers
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How To Get Rid Of Acne In Teenagers |
One of the teenagers who often makes them feel inconvenience is acne. Enter the age of puber, acne on the face will appear in large quantities. This condition is actually very reasonable. However, some adolescents feel disturbed because it could lower the aesthetic and trigger the pain is very intense.
The problem of acne in teenagers is also getting worse because of the difficult once cured. Because it is related to the amount of hormones, acne often inflated not unstoppable again. Its face so experienced swelling and inflammation due to ulcers which do not cease to appear.
If you or your child are having problems like this it's good to be resolved soon. Don't be left well enough alone or push or carded by hand because it can be an infection. Here are some ways that can be done.
How to cope with acne in teenagers
Cope with pimples that appear on the faces of teenagers are very tricky. You must do it properly so as not to bring up more serious problems.
Using topical and oral antibiotics
Acne that occurs in adolescence there are two types. The first caused by the fluctuation of hormones during puberty a second one is due to bacteria. If acne is caused by bacteria that appear the most excellent way is to use topical or oral antibiotics.
Doing consulting a dermatologist or beauty. The doctor will examine the types of skin and then the problems encountered. Topical creams are usually given according to the type of the skin so as not to experience any side effects. Next oral antibiotics are also given with a certain dose so as not to overload and experience resistance.
Using retinoids
Some types of acne are indeed known to be very stubborn so it's a little difficult to overcome. Therefore the usage of retinoid or vitamin A derivatives must be done. This material is used to address the inflammation is going on and make the skin does not suffer ulcers in large quantities.
Retinoids can be obtained on the market a drug or pharmacy. However, it usually requires a prescription from a doctor because it includes medications that can not be used with any. There are very few side effects particularly in women who are pregnant.
Using benzoyl peroxide and salicylic acid
These two ingredients are the most common found in some ointments or creams that are used to overcome acne. Usually acne will be experiencing inflammatory if not well-maintained and face so flushed. The active ingredient benzoyl peroxide and salicylic acid can reduce these problems and heal.
This material is generally not too strong or overdose is low. There are some people who healed with regular usage. However, many were not cured and advised to use a retinoid.
Wash your face twice a day with a soft
Dirt or dust from the outside causing trouble on the face. In addition to acne, face will also be dull and not look fresh. If You often are out for activity, it's good to immediately wash the face. How to apply for teenagers or adults.
Do not dry the pimple skinning
As much as possible do not skinning acne that is already dry. Even though it looks safe and does not cause bleeding, what is done can be dangerous. Infection can happen. Let part of it flaking or clean with a handkerchief and warm water.
Rub the skin of the face gently once a week
Once a week do rubbing on the face. How this is done to remove dead layers of skin that makes the face get dirty. During this dead skin cells is what accounts for the pimples on the face of collaborating with oil and dirt from outside.
Use warm water to do the rubbing gently. Use a soft cloth so as not to injure the skin section may still have a lot of acne and its size enlarged contains pus.
Change the pattern of eating right
Pimples that appear on the teen sometimes caused by bad diets. Therefore fix diet will make acne so easily resolved because the face is not having problems such as oily so the infection could continue to keep going.
While eating, multiply the fruits and vegetables especially containing antioxidants. Eat something fatty is okay, but very restricted in order not to affect the skin. Several types of protein like eggs or chicken broiler cannot be eaten because it could aggravate inflammation that occurs.
How to keep your face to avoid acne
Keep your face when the teen is not an easy matter. There are many things to be done in order for Acne does not appear many times and cause black scars on the face.
- Do not use makeup too thick and makes the skin so allergy. When you use the make up is also as much as possible immediately deleting it when it's up to the House. Don't let the makeup continues to exist in the face until the next day because it can make the skin become constantly dirty.
- After sweating or being under the blazing sun, it's good to clean with mengelapnya immediately. Can use wipes and then followed by regular wipes to dry.
- If acne appears do not memencetnya or touch it multiple times. Just let it dry out acne by itself and escape from the skin. If the acne continues to be touched, and inflammatory infections likely to occur would be great.
- Do not carelessly using a drug that is used to resolve or treat acne on the market. Do a consultation with a dermatologist. Everyone has different skin types. Anyone have oily skin or tend to be dry. Each has his own acne problems.
Keep your face from Acne attack it was not easy. However, you can do much as already written above to cure or relieve. Of the several ways of overcoming acne which is very annoying to the above, is there anything that you've never know before?
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