Tuesday, February 26, 2019

10 Ways to Overcome Flaky dry Skin

10 Ways to Overcome Flaky dry Skin

10 Ways to Overcome Flaky dry Skin
10 Ways to Overcome Flaky dry Skin

Have dull and dry skin can indeed interfere with the appearance of a person, not just annoying appearance but most people will also feel the minder hang out with other friends. How to fix dry skin can be done in a natural way or consuming vitamin skin.

Causes Of Dry Skin

Causes of dry skin happens due to the lack of levels of oil glands in the skin (sebum) resulting in quick dry skin and dull. Sebum is the oil glands of the skin of our body. In addition to the sebum glands, dry skin is also caused due to the loss of hydration in the skin layers epidermis.

Diet can overcome dry skin

How to remove dry skin and prevent dryness of the skin starts from the inside of the body, such as increased water intake and consuming fresh fruits which contain lots of vitamin A and vitamin c. Fruits of a good consumed like apples, banana, papaya, strawberries, oranges, mangos, Kiwis and other fruits.

In addition to consuming fruits that contain vitamin A and C, you should also eat foods that contain Vitamin e. vitamin E Functions both to keep the humidity of the skin, refreshing, and tightening the skin. To meet the vitamin E you can choose food made from nuts are easy to come by.

Apart from the inside, how to tackle dry skin and dull can also be done from the outside of the body. Do I just apply moisturizer to the skin of the face and surrounding areas. For normal skin then use moisturizer lotion type, while for scaly use Moisturiser cream type.

How to fix dry skin and scaly

In addition with some tips overcoming flaky dry skin that has been described above, there are other natural ways such as the following:

1. Overcome dry skin with coconut oil

How to fix dry skin the first is coconut oil because it has emollient properties. Emollient fill the spaces between the cells of the skin, which can smooth skin. That's why the saturated fatty acids in coconut oil are naturally able to damming and smoothes the skin.

You can use coconut oil every day in the most sensitive parts of the body though. This includes the area under your eyes and around your mouth. Another advantage of coconut oil is you don't need to mix it with anything. Coconut oil is gentle enough to use daily.

2. using petroleum jelly

According to a study, a product of petroleum jelly can help cure dry skin for all walks of life, from children to the elderly. Petroleum jelly, also known as mineral oil that covers the skin in a protective layer. This traps moisture underneath, which can help heal dry skin and irritated skin.

3. The intake of antioxidants and omega-3

When your skin is dry, it means the skin is at risk of causing damage to skin cells more quickly. The good news is, there are some foods that can help your skin look healthier.

Foods rich in antioxidants can minimize damage from toxins and help your body make cells become unhealthy. Some of the foods that help nourish the skin include:

  • Blueberry
  • Tomato
  • Carrot
  • Peas
  • Nuts

Foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids such as salmon can also help overcome dry skin.

4. Use gloves

Hands tend to experience a direct contact with environmental irritants, such as some products (dish soap and detergents), pollution, and sunburn.

So, make it a habit wearing gloves when engaging in activities that risk causing kuylit dried manggunakan, as a wash detergent or other materials. The hands also received a lot of exposure when you are working outside when the weather is cold.

Wearing gloves can avoid dry skin while doing household chores, or when being outside when the temperature extremes can reduce the skin dry and flaky.

5. adjust the water temperature and use proper SOAP

The American Academy of Dermatology notes that address the scaly skin can sometimes be done simply by changing your routine. While most people tend to be a warm bath, it can hurt and cause damage to the skin.

If you have dry skin and sensitive, we recommend using the SOAP with potential hydrogen (pH) are neutral, because SOAP with alkaline pH will make the skin is getting dry.

When the bath water is warm skin will grow in dry, better way of eliminate dry skin with a cool water bath so that the skin does not grow in dry.

6. Use the humidifier

Use a humidifier (tool to keep the humidity of the room) in the home can help minimize dryness caused by home heating system – usually in the cold climates or mountain areas. Although the gas and electric heat strip moisture from the air, humidifier is set to 60 percent is enough to offset this effect, according to Harvard Medical School.

7. Take a bath using oatmeal

How to remove dry skin is quite unique, i.e. using the usual oeatmeal consumed for breakfast. It turns out that oatmeal is a folk remedy for irritated skin. A study of 2015 shows why the ancestors in Europe have recommended these home remedies for centuries: it works.

Colloidal oatmeal has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that soothe irritation. Natural medicine is very effective if you want to get rid of the itch. Once you've ascertained, oatmeal bath damming of the skin.

You can make oatmeal bath at home. Here's how easy enough, use a fine-textured powder oatmeal, then input in a tub of warm water and stir until evenly distributed. Then showered with slowly, so that all superimposed on the oatmeal dry skin you.

8. Use the right clothes and keep clean

The appearance of dry skin suddenly may be associated with the clothes you wear or what is used on the skin.

Wearing tweeds might irritate the skin and make the skin feel dry. So, wear clothes made from cotton which can absorb sweat. Always pay attention to what you use for skin and try to treat your skin gently.

In addition, avoid dust, pollution, maintaining the cleanliness of the home such as routine cleaning carpets and curtains, as well as avoid bathing in chlorinated water can also mendari scaly and dry.

9. using milk

Milk contains anti-inflammatory properties to soothe dry skin and itching. Simply dip the cotton swab into the milk and then apply to irritated skin for five minutes. How to fix dry skin do this routinely to your skin smooth and soft.

10. Use the lotion while sleeping

How to remove dry skin berikutnnya is to use the body lotion and wraping on the heels or the dry hands while sleeping. How, after applying body lotion on the feet or hands, the parts of the body can be covered with plastic wrapping to avoid evaporation of lotions and skin absorbed lotion so that its full potential. It should be noted, do not be too tight when membebat the skin using the wapping to maintain blood circulation remains smooth.

It is how to overcome flaky dry skin that you can try at home. Good luck, friends healthy!
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